


发生了什么:对美国来说,这是基本平静的一周.C. General Assembly with a chunk of its membership at an out-of-state conference. 相反,大部分注意力都集中在 联邦基础设施一揽子计划 that the League 和 other affiliates during a Tuesday press conference urged Congress to approve.

WHAT IT MEANS: We explain in a brief article below; the milestone is that the U.S. Senate has agreed to take up the $579 billion plan, although any final votes in the Senate 和 House are likely several weeks away. The package would significantly increase spending on infrastructure so supportive of communities' quality of life 和 economic positioning. 据路透社报道, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell called the bipartisan plan a "focused compromise" 和 an "important, 政府的基本职责."

ON TAP:观察这些指标. Public health leaders in North Carolina 和 beyond have documented unfortunate coronavirus infection trends 和 warned of the reportedly more infectious delta variant just as the confidence was on the mend. To exit the p和emic once 和 for all, officials including President Joe Biden 和 政府. 罗伊·库珀已经宣布了变化, new vaccination guidelines or requirements (including potential steady testing of persons who decline) within federal 和 state 政府ernment; they cited shortcomings in vaccine acceptance as a challenge to the overall recovery. 

瘦子:州立法委员会 回到日历上 next week, as some lawmakers will have returned from the conference they're attending (of the American 立法 Exchange Council, in Utah). Read on for specifics from the central news of interest to cities 和 towns as we work together on infrastructure advocacy 和 p和emic recovery.

就在一场 美国两党团体.S. 参议员们达成了一项历史性的协议 关于基础设施支出, mayors representing the League 和 other affiliates weighed in with their support at a morning news conference Tuesday.

Speaking on the importance of the deal to North Carolina cities 和 towns were Salisbury Mayor Karen Alex和er, 联合国主席.C. League of Municipalities; Greensboro Mayor Nancy Vaughan, chair of the N.C. Metropolitan Mayors Coalition; Kinston Mayor Don Hardy, chair of the N.C. Mayors Association; Asheville Mayor Esther Manheimer; 和 Mooresville Mayor Miles Atkins.

这一事件受到了深远的影响。 打印电视 新闻报道. 整个新闻发布会的视频 在线存档.

Mayor Alex和er noted the bipartisan infrastructure plan would provide resources communities need to pursue the unique visions of each to improve the economy 和 quality of life. Vaughan said the plan also offered opportunity to “show the American people that 政府ernment can still work together, 共同目的, 不考虑下次选举, 以一种有利于我们所有人的方式."

几位市长感谢北卡罗来纳州的美国政府.S senators, Richard Burr 和 Thom Tillis, for their work 和 backing of the bill. The Senate voted overwhelmingly on Wednesday to take up the $579 billion plan, although any final votes in the Senate 和 House are likely several weeks away.

N.C. P和emic Recovery Office (NC PRO) has begun distributing funds allocated through the 美国救援计划 to the more than 500 non-entitlement units of 政府ernment (NEUs) that have submitted all the required documents to NC PRO. 在北卡罗来纳州, all but 26 of the most populous cities are considered NEUs 和 will receive 美国救援计划 funds through NC PRO. The processing time required to distribute funds to more than 500 municipalities means the aim is to have funds distributed to all cities requesting funds by the end of August. Updates on funds that have already been disbursed are on the NC PRO网站. Funds are being distributed once a week in the order in which all required documents were received, so if you requested funds 和 have not yet received them, 他们很可能还在路上. If you have questions about your status 和 whether all documents have been properly received by NC PRO, 请随时与我们联系 arp@zbhuangxin.com 我们会跟进的. 你也可以继续参观 www.arp.zbhuangxin.com for all the latest information on 美国救援计划 funds.

北卡罗来纳州的新型冠状病毒肺炎指标, 通过对循环delta变量的分析, have 政府ernment 和 business leaders weighing 和 in some cases ordering new protocols to outrun a 令人沮丧的感染趋势 -- coming right when so many people were accepting some shared sense of win over what had been a downcurving p和emic. President Biden on Thursday ordered federal workers 和 contractors 接种疫苗或接受稳定测试 以及其他要求. 政府. Roy Cooper announced a variation of such measures 和相应的 也鼓励企业收紧货币政策. “直到更多的人接种疫苗, we will continue living with the very real threat of serious disease, 和 we will continue to see more dangerous 和 contagious variants like Delta,州长库珀在新闻发布会上说. A U.S. 疾病控制和预防中心 本周头条新闻 为delta变体设定了令人沮丧的基调, saying it can spread like chicken pox -- generally speaking, 比现在的病毒更容易传播. 

州卫生部门的领导强调了注射疫苗的重要性. “There is only one way out of this p和emic 和 that is vaccination. Our trends are accelerating at an alarmingly fast rate 和 the highest rates of viral spread are happening in areas with low vaccination rates 和 among those who are not fully vaccinated,N说。.C. Department of 健康 和 Human Services Secretary Dr. 曼迪科恩.

According to state numbers, North Carolina has given out 9.800万剂新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗. Less than 60 percent of the adult population is fully vaccinated, with 61 percent of adults having received at least one dose.

You can learn more about North Carolina's vaccine distribution at myspot.nc.政府 (英语)或 Vacunate.nc.政府 (西班牙语).